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Biography, Transition, and Intimacy (with Mónica Szurmuk)

Smaller Narratives for a Larger World
Smaller Narratives for a Larger World
Biography, Transition, and Intimacy (with Mónica Szurmuk)

In this episode, our guest is Professor Mónica Szurmuk, who discusses three projects that focus on the genre of biographical writing: Her text on Alberto Gerchunoff, an upcoming publication on Latin American Literatures revisiting typical notions of what Latin America means, and finally a project on marginalized spaces of intimacy, whose lives and lived experiences are resignified and inhabited beyond the reduction of dominant perspectives.

Mónica Szurmuk is Senior Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina, and a Professor at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín. She is the author of Women in Argentina, Early Travel Narratives, and La vocación desmesurada: Una biografía de Alberto Gerchunoff. She has coedited Mujeres en viajeMemoria y ciudadanía, Diccionario de estudios culturales latinoamericanosSitios de la memoria: México Post ´68, The Cambridge History of Latin American Women’s Literature, Entre mundos y lenguas: las cartas de un maestro de la Alliance Israélite Universelle, and the forthcoming Latin American Literature in Transition 1980-2017. She is the editor of the series Latin American Literature in Transition for Cambridge University Press. Her current projects include The Cambridge History of Argentinean Literature (in collaboration with Alejandra Laera), an edition of the complete works of Alberto Gerchunoff, and a monograph on urban life and intimacy in Buenos Aires.

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